17 March 2010


and once again, with an entry with the time I started blogging as the Title... I shall commence my inane thoughts for the day...

The bulk of my bonus has been used up...
1. Investment - yup, invested in more stuff.. better to be rich later, than lament the fact that I have "wasted" my money on stuff I can't see
2. Decided on amount to give parents
3. Decided on amount to "donate" - although I haven't decided what I wish to donate to (no earthquake zones, in case you're wondering, I think they have a lot going for them... just thinking of people who need help closer to home, lemme stew in that thought about who for a while)
4. Remembered to set aside "x" amount for taxes.. o.O... for some reason, I always seem to earn more than what I remember (due to unseen and unfelt benefits received from co... ) *wary look*
5. Decided on amount to dedicate to bag and shopping... tried shopping today.. failed miserably..

Oh.. and we got my bro a electronic piano... now I get to play too! Yippee!!! It's been a long long while... it's a yamaha oki! don't play play... :) Anyway, since it's my birthday today...

Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me-e
Happy Birthday to me! :D

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