08 May 2011

The Courage of Conviction

Flanked by DPMs Teo Chee Hean and Wong Kan Seng, a solemn PM Lee said, "We hear all your voices... It is a different world and a very different Singapore".

He added many Singaporeans wanted to see "a different style and approach in government, with a new generation who want to see more opposition."
And now I wonder, how much have they truly heard, and while the intent is not for the ruling party to pee in their pants, a lot of what's happening is a direct reflection of sentiment on the ground. And if they will really take time to think things through... a lot of what is being asked for and that the people on the ground are asking for is

(1) Our housing is really really too expensive.
We are not just whining and we are not just griping. It is really too expensive. Practical example, my brother has been married for nearing 2 years, and still, we are all staying under one roof. I love him and my sister in law and have no issues that they are with us. It does however, make for cramped conditions, and if you ask me, not an ideal environment for them to start a new family. Already cramped at the maximum of 2 persons to a room (and we all know the size of an average HDB room)... the baby would have to sleep in the hall? My siblings are by no means poor and our income is above average.

So buy a resale you say? But what about aspirations to start a business or to venture out and be an entrepreneur? Do we want to go into such heavy debt for our homes that our aspirations are compromised by the need to buy a roof over our head? Is this not a basic necessity, and shouldn't the price of property be controlled by the government to a certain extent? And what happened to reasonably priced public housing? Is the intent of HDB to serve or to generate a profit? Is the intent to help everyone get a home, or only to help everyone get into extreme debt? I understand the home is a commodity and it is unreasonable to provide excessive funding. But it would really help if there was a reduction in mindless bureaucracy and senseless "oh, you don't fall into this scheme" and ridiculous calculations on eligibility, that nobody understands except the HDB has to be reviewed.

I don't want examples to be cited for us to be compared to other countries where we are doing so much better. We are an extremely practical bunch, and very good at "doing". We know we can do better and we should. It is as simple as that. If it takes a process redesign, then it takes a process redesign. If it means you need to engage a "design thinking" expert, then please do it. Be clear. Be precise. Just Do It.

Do not overspend like the YOG (ACCOUNTABILITY... Where is that?), but really, the public agencies are not profit generating agencies!

And so being practical Singaporeans, we will hunker down and do what we can as life goes on... but some help would really help. Really.

(2) Our Transportation
Now our public transportation is something that I look upon with mixed feelings. I appreciate our new fleet of vehicles and of the (most of the time) good infrastructure that it comes with. However, it sucks big time when:

We know that the median income of the people who are leading and serving us means that they do not (they really do not as they cast their spells from ivory towers, chauffeur drawn cars for them and their families) know what it means to take
- buses that are reducing in frequency and in routes,
- to take trains that are perpetually crowded,
- to attempt to flag down a cab (when you really need one) and they are not available, charge an arm and leg in additional peak/CBD/fuel surcharge, etc, or just zoom past you as they want you to call so they earn another surcharge.

And if you are sick and tired of public transportation, cars are not affordable and so you sink deeper into debt. But really, the gripe against the public transport is more along the lines of, CAN YOU PLEASE SHOW MORE EMPATHY? I know you are rich and you think plebians and peasants like us should just shut up, and free up the roads so you can cruise in your air-conditioned cars... but please lah... it really really sucks when you flaunt that in our faces!!!

SMRT CEO referring to crowded trains, was reported to have said;

“People can board the trains – it is whether they choose to.”

Where were our leaders when CEOs of a major public transportation agency says things like that? Do we deserve to be packed like sardines? Do you take the train everyday to work? Do you understand the irritation of being pressed up against another person in cramped conditions? Do you know what sort of mood, tone and emotion it sets for the day when you start your day off like that? It is this amazing lack of empathy and understanding of the ground.


And midway through, I have decide to stop my blogging diarrhea. I am just so sick and tired of the current ruling party's high-handedness and while I am extremely grateful for what we have achieved, I am also tired of being treated as a 2nd class citizen in my own state. I am not going to go into foreign talent, and cronies being in power and of Singapore being a monarchy. Because, I am tired. I am sick and while I am cautiously hopeful that the ruling party would listen, I am aware that after being in a position of power for so long, after all the "noise" that they have heard on the online mediums, and after being maybe "slightly" worried for a day or two, they are still the dominant ruling party. Within a week, they will lean back into their easy chairs and say, "Singaporeans only like to complain, but they will ultimately vote for us" and I am sad for that.

It is so sad that the entire estate (since morning) has been eerily quiet... I am sad cuz it was a relatively narrow margin that we lost by... today is a day for reflection and thoughts for the average citizen. Nobody likes the current ruling party, but most lack the guts to force a change or are hypocrites. They expect the other estates to vote for oppositions and they shout for blood, but they will vote for the ruling party within their own, estates. Hypocrites and Cowards. This I feel, is about the Courage of Conviction. If you are going to mouth off about change, then you need to put your money where your mouth is.

So for the next five years... we will meander on. My sentiments and feelings felt today will no doubt be diminished over time. But I am still young, and 2016 will come along again. I hope the opposition will field stronger candidates worthy of our votes... I am all for change and I will put my money where my mouth is. Are you?


ZXL said...

Yes pal..well said well said..

SmappuKid said...

this entry is good. it voices my sentiments as well....unfortuntely, the sick truth is pple still opt for the easy way out in the end....pure complains and thats that.

The Smiley Grouch said...

Yeah... anyway, hopefully the government will listen.. and if changes are made, they will continue to remain the ruling party. I think they are still in a state of shock about the amount of angst from the ground. But of course, I think now, they have shifted into damage control phase :) Let's see how that pans out...