22 September 2004


I have realised this past week... not only Ren shi fan jian de... even Companies are FAN JIAN!!!

Dun understand why? Let me cite an example.

Person A goes for an interview at Company X. Company X says they're impressed with Person A, but they lack the headcount. So they will update her much later. As there is no way person A will just sit around and tweedle her thumbs for a phonecall that may or may not come. Person A then manages to secure a job at Company Y. Now, a few weeks into Co. Y, Co X gives A a call, saying that they need someone urgently. Naturally they offered better rates. But A tried to hold out for something better, (in this case N amount) as she was quite happy at Co Y anyway, and she's tired of job hopping.

Co X's HR guy (yes guy... what kinda guy would go into HR) was a bit guai lan, and pissed A off. So since they could not meet her request of N amount, offering her N-200 instead, A rejected the job offer. And probably pissed Co X off.

Now... A continued working.. (*insert music, lalalalala*) and almost 2 months down the road, some Job agency called. Saying that there is a suitable opening in Co.X Naturally they didn't really say the co's name. But A being a very smart gal, of course guessed that it was Co. X. And guess what Co X was offering to this new recuitment drive? N+300!!!

Tamade... A wanted N, and Co X offers her N-200. So she reject cuz they refuse to up the offer to N. Now, they FAN JIAN! go and offer N+300!!! And after asking, agent says Co X will not consider those that they have interviewed already. Best part is, A is a highly trained, competent person, and there are not many people trained in A's capacity to take on this job!

FAN JIAN!!! Fine... A is happy at Co Y anyway. Co Y will grow to become bigger than X... just need to add another couple of hundred to headcount to match X what.. easy task.. And A will go and LAUGH at X one day!! FAN JIAN! Dun hire A, in the end,, have to up the sum they're willing to pay by FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS they also happy..

Tsk tsk... fan jianning cos...


Naturally... this is not about me... it's about person A... Anyway, I'm due for confirmation, and have an appraisal due soon... damn stresed. and YES, I think in this company, it is like a real confirmation thingee.. not the depend on the Boss's wife's mood and whether she got rejected by hubby in bed the night before, to determine if a person ought to be confirmed as a staff or not. It is not dependent on the fact that the lady boss was trying to save on insurance money if she doesn't confirm the new staff for as long as possible.

OR, it could just be that I was a loser, and she wanted me out of the company, and I was doing a shit job in her co... and she was actually being NICE and not ousting me out. Allowing me to resign myself...

yes.. me in pms-ish mood.

Plus, I have a jap test tmr... and I am too busy to take leave to study for it. and have been too busy to study. Gonna just go, take the test, fail and explain to sensei that I am going to take one year break from learning jap..

Enough grousing.. hahaha... feel tired.. and lethargic.. sense that I'm gonna fall sick soon... my mouth is getting totally chewed up.. cuz I keep biting into them when I eat/talk. *BAH* It will all be over! Everything will blow over!!!! HURRY UP N BLOW OVER! I want to feel good and on top of the world AGAIN!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I googled Fan Jian to see how it is written in Mandarin - my computer can't type Mandarin and came across your post. Love the enthusiasm in your post. Hope everything has boiled over and you are now back on top and killing it in Co Y. :D All the best!