Thinking about starting some dialogue / review on the many Fantasy Novels I read... do you think such an endeavour would be:
(A) Interesting
(B) Hazardous (to my health and your eyes)
(C) Whatever lah! (Since most of the stuff I write and review is pretty crap anyway)
(D) All of the above (of which I would take it that you dun care about the type of crap I spew :P)
Post Edit (13Dec): This is disgusting.. not even a single vote.. hokay.. means I will just do my own thing! :P
Hahaha gimme a break man I just got back from an internetless world.
I would vote A, except I would think half of B. Just go with what you like and when you like it. Otherwise it'll just become another chore. :P
Bwahaha.. I love you Synco! You are the only one who bothered to entertain me with an answer!! *touched!*
A. Though, if I may ask, what will you consider in your review/dialogue? Freestyling or structured?
@storm bunny... woah.. hmm... I dun know.. hahaha. will cross that bridge when I reach it :)
:-D That last thing sounded so "Supernatural"-like. Still, I'd love to see what you come up with. Any books in mind?
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