01 May 2014

random rumblings

Random Rumblings Galore... a penny for your thoughts you say?

RR1: While I was lamenting about my lack of love life, I was informed by a "Singaporean" boy that my English was too good and therefore, I would put off / scare off a lot of Singaporeans. WHAT? How is that a problem? For the record, my English is in Singlish "OK ONLY"! Not bad but nothing near greatness.
RR2: My diet and exercise regime has finally borne a mini fruit. I have been getting exclamations that I have lost weight. YES!! Now is the tough part, dropping that bit more and then sustaining it. And my confession? I haven't been exercising this whole week. Boo hoo hoo... I have to get out of this lethargic state
RR3: I trounced my own record for blur-ness two Sundays ago.
1. Got into the cab to attend a class that my sister is running.
2. As the cab turned into the street for the building I was headed for, I realized, no wallet.
3. Called sis for help, thank god I managed to get help to pay the driver.
4. Borrowed $50 from sis, so that I can get home.
5. During class I realized, forgot my pen. Easily solved this one. Just borrow from someone.
6. Walked over to Funan after class thinking I wanted to buy my new laptop, then head home.
7. Walked into Funan and was almost at the store when I recalled, I have no wallet.
8. Walked out and took a cab (rushing home for the Liverpool Norwich match).
9. Cab driver started lamenting as I only had a $50 note and he didn't have change.
10. After some negotiation, managed to dig out an ezlink card. Problem solved. I tapped to pay.
11. I realized at the door, I forgot my home keys too.
12. By then I was hungry, and tired, and pissed (with myself). So I called the brother, offered to pay for his cabfare so he can rush home.
13. I then went across the road and packed dinner and a juice. Sat outside my door and ate my dinner.
14. I still managed to catch 30 mins of the match when I finally got home.
15. Happy ending. Liverpool won.
Moral of the story? Don't forget your wallet and keys when you go out. (and pen.)
RR4: My ability to procrastinate has reached new heights. From the start of today, I knew I had to rush a piece of work, which I have been sitting on for the past 1 week. And it's urgent. Like really. So today, I ate breakfast, read papers, surfed, read about Confucius Analects (it's a recent craze of mine), read about astrology (another recent interest of mine). I then cleaned up my whole room (it sparkles brighter than Edward in the day). I then asked my god family out for lunch. We lunched and window shopped abit. I then went for foot reflex, so good I fell asleep. By the time I got home, I was tired and rested. I then surfed some more, made dinner. And then now I am blogging. Oh... was there an urgent piece of work I need to rush?
RR5: I have discovered can't use that gelish thing that most ladies are using now for their nails. Hmmm.. to be precise, technically, I can. I just can't remove it. Whatever liquid it is that they use to soak off the gelish... it killed me. Fingers swelled up, then now it's all wrinkly (cuz the skin is probably quite thin and stretched after the swelling) and cuticles are dry and the edges are all peeling. Ah well, now I know. It's not for everyone! Or maybe I just went to a cheapo place. Hahaha...
5 pennies worth of randomness... 828pm... should I finally start on my work? SIGH... I wish I can just stare at it, use magnetic brain waves (or whatever crap that is) and the work will get done. I know what I want to do, it's just not done yet!!

1 comment:

cl0udi3 said...

WRT RR3, at the very least, you have a table outside your door. Imaging having to sit on the stairs to eat. hehehe :P