07 July 2010

In Shock

I am on a day's leave, and a morning halfday tmr... cuz of World Cup, and the fact that the matches show at an unearthly hour. Also the fact that I haven't been taking much leave, and my workload of late hasn't been particularly heavy... all can be done within hours, with time to spare! :P So, I am in shock.. cuz of the recent spate of results... I am also starting to suffer from withdrawal symptoms at the thought that there will be no more matches to watch.

Soo... what am I going to do at home? I have no idea... I have overspent this month (am in shock over how I managed to spend so much as well)...such that I have spent all the monies I can spend for this month and next... so for my faithful readers (yes, the 2/3 of you! :p)... cheap food okay? Not necessarily always foodcourt, but ideally less than $10 per meal when we go out.

What should I do? Maybe I should start to borrow books from the library (it's free) and huddle at home (it's free) and just hibernate for a month or so, until the coffers are back to normal levels. The best is, the bills are in my credit card, and I am monitoring it manually it, so the bill is not in. For the life of me, I cannot remember when the cycle ends, so I have NO idea when it would become due and when I am supposed to pay.

With that lack of clarity, I end up wondering about which month's salary would be the one affected, is it this month, or can I stretch it to next... (Post Edit: oh, it's this month's pay... ah well, good news lah, just poor for one month, in August I will be "Yi Tiao Long" again!) Don't get me wrong, I have sufficient funds to pay them off, it just means the "thou shalt save $XX on a monthly basis" is affected by this... :P I hate not saving cuz I have this annual goal and I was more or less on track to meet it, now it may be affected...

Plus, my mom's 55th & dad's 60th Birthday coming up in Nov (yes, both Nov), supposed to save up for it... cuz these are all auspicous ages to reach, so we will definitely be spending a lot... dinner.. mebbe a golden tiger/goat? hahah... see how!

Now, my only conclusion is, I really need to get a promotion, and a hefty pay raise! HAHAHA... well, that's of course talking to the air and talk doesn't mean a lot, since I am on leave and nua-ing at home, instead of fighting really hard for my promotion! Not that I know how to fight for a promotion, other than me trying to do my best at all times. Hmm... come to think of it, how does one "fight for a promotion"?

Kill my colleagues, "Sar kar" the boss, FIGHT for big projects (but those, you don't deliver, you will also die an inglorious death)... any more?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to say this but far as promotion goes, many a times it boils down to politics, which both of us kind of suck at. D: Then again I wouldn't know exactly how good I am, given I've hit the probevial glass ceiling since xx years ago. haha

I usually just log into my bank account every 3rd of each month, just in case and just to check. There was this time when I missed it once, and I just keep missing my deadlines for almost two months and had to call them to get it wavered.
