14 January 2011

My favourite time of the year is coming...

My favourite time of the year is coming... Gong Xi Fa Cai people! :) Ok ok, admittedly, Chinese New Year is still sometime away, but this year, I am full of hope that a brand new life awaits me in this new year. :) Technically, despite it already being the new year, the year doesn't quite start for me until the Chinese New Year.

Surprisingly, since I am not a particularly traditional person, to hold such Chinese beliefs... :) Anyhow, for some reason, I feel the need to buy new clothes, try to gear up to look good over the 2-3 days of celebration, to slim down (dammit! slim down!!) and of course, to try and maintain my skin condition, so that it is as rash-free as I can get it to be. Tough, since I am starting to binge a little on the CNY goodies.

No movie reviews of late, since I haven't been watching many. Oh, come to think of it, I did. I watched "The Fourth Portrait"... ah well.. belated post coming up.

So what's good to watch these days? I am bored.

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